August 29th, 2009 - a date which will live in infamy... or, well, at least
will remain memorable to us. On this day, exactly a year and one day after we
had first met, Karolina and I were married. The wedding took place at the Church
of the Holy Trinity, in my wife's hometown of Ciechanowiec,
eastern Poland.
I imagine that, for most people who visit my website, this isn't especially
interesting - chances are, they came here for the gamedev-related stuff. In
fact, for a long time I resisted creating this subpage. I simply don't believe the world is significantly improved by
having access to the details of our personal life. Our personal life, for that
matter, doesn't get much
improved in the process either.
However, every once in a while, this website is visited by our family and
friends; many of whom, by virtue of being scattered all over the world, did not
have the opportunity to be with us on that day. And so, that's the purpose of
this page - to share with them what happened on that cold, rainy, but otherwise
amazing August day.
While we're at it, we'll also show off a few photos from our honeymoon. We
spent two weeks at the "Zamkowa
Góra" (Castle Mountain) lodge near Suwałki in northeastern Poland
- if you're
looking to spend a quiet vacation in Poland, give the place a try! Afterwards,
we went for a couple of days to Vilnius, in Lithuania - another great place to
visit. Oh, and as if to make up for the rain on our wedding day, most of our
honeymoon was amazingly warm and sunny (...for September).
The images below are thumbnails (fairly big thumbnails, mind you) - click on
an image to see the full-size version.
Wedding Day |
Before the wedding, the groom heads over to the bride's
house. Here, the two of them are blessed by both pairs of parents. Then, the bride leaves her house "for the last time". |
That day, the weather was far from ideal. So, instead of walking together to the church, we ended up
go by car. For some reason, my bride-to-be ended up sitting in the
front. |
We have arrived at the church. The ride would have taken
less than a minute, but we tried to drive as slowly and as round-about as
possible. Even so, we still arrived at least twenty minutes ahead of
schedule, so the church was still pretty empty. |
The interior of the church in its full glory. The guests are
still entering - many delayed leaving the hotel until the last minute,
hoping the rain would stop (it didn't). I really like this interior. Some
Baroque churches go overboard with colours, but this one keeps things nice
and simple. |
At last, the time has come, all the guests have arrived, the
music starts playing, and we make our entrance. Two kids (my niece, Lidia,
and Franek, my cousin's son) walk in front of us - Franek carries a pillow
with the wedding rings. |
The priest welcomes us. His face, his mannerisms, and his
accent reminded me strongly of my former boss at City Interactive. Looking
at the photo now, the resemblance is only slight - but it did feel
slightly odd, at the time. |
The moment - I'm speaking my vows. Before this happens, the priest binds our hands together. |
Once I've spoken my bit, it is my bride's turn to say her
own vows. |
We are now husband and wife - almost. |
One ring, to rule them all... |
...And the other ring. |
Now we're really married. A shot of the two of us, along with the groomsman and bridesmaid. |
The ceremony is finished, and we walk out of the church
together - for the first time as a married couple. The church,
incidentally, is a very fine Baroque building dating back to 1739. Eastern
Poland is filled with this kind of architecture, because it was during the
17th and 18th centuries that they transitioned from wooden churches to
masonry. In western Poland, where most cities are older and wood was more
scarce, Gothic architecture from the 14th-15th centuries tends to
dominate. |
My wife gets carried away. In most countries, there's that custom of the husband carrying his wife over the doorstep when they enter their new home for the first time - in Poland, this custom is usually also extended to the husband carrying his wife over the doorstep (and in this case, up two flights of stairs) into
wherever the wedding reception takes place. Sadly, it seems no one was successful in taking a clean shot of this moment - every photo I've seen so far has parts of us cut off. |
The first dance. Ours was a waltz - the standard dance of
beginner dancers worldwide. We made a mistake or two, but I'm told we
didn't embarrass ourselves too much. |
...And that's us cutting the wedding cake. As I recall, this
was around midnight. The wedding, however, was far from over: the last
guests retired around 04:30. |
Honeymoon |
The road to the lodge (or rather, from the lodge, as we're
looking in the other direction here). It took about 20-30 minutes to reach
an actual asphalt road. The nearest store of any kind was an hour's walk
away. |
The Castle Mountain lodge itself. The mountain (actually, a
hill) is not visible here. The lodge is set up overlooking a lake. Great
food, total peace and quiet... and a lot of mosquitoes. Oh, well, can't be
ideal... |
Paddling around the lake on a paddle boat - a little boat
powered, like a bicycle, using foot pedals. |
My wife enjoying the sunshine on the lake. We'd go out onto
the lake for a few hours at least every second day. |
On a hike to the top of Castle Mountain. Looking out onto
the lake. The lodge is directly behind the trees on the right. |
Another day, another hike. When not using our feet to
paddle, we used them... well, to walk. Amazing scenery. |
...And these. Clearly, Peter Jackson didn't know what he was
doing, filming The Lord of the Rings in New Zealand. The countryside was
filled with these things - brick-and-stone cellars dug directly into the
hillsides. |
Another hilltop - Cisowa Góra. Nearby, there is also Góra
Cisowa. In Polish, it is permissible to place adjectives either before or
after the noun. Consequently, these two different hills would both
translate to "Yew Mountain". |
We almost picked up a cat on one of our hikes. She was
extremely friendly, literally climbing on top of us. Fortunately, it
turned out she did in fact have an owner. |
The are was also filled with old apple trees. Even though it
was September, they were still covered in fruit, most of them not quite
ripe - things ripen late in this part of Poland. |
Possibly my favourite photo from the entire trip. There was
a lot of air traffic overhead, so you'd always have at least one or two
trails - but having them line up with the road below, that was amazing. |
...And a sudden change of location. After two weeks, we left
Castle Mountain and took a train to Vilnius in Lithuania. This photo is
very much representative of what you see in the old town in Vilnius - it's
a wonderful place. |
A fairly typical street in the old town. It's narrow and
crooked - but it's actually relatively wide compared to some others... |
Another street, and a weird little statue. The real subject
of this photo, though, is that creeping vine. I love those things. I'd let
them cover the entire city if it were up to me. |
Then, there's the building with the hook. Looks great - but
what does it mean? We just don't know... when I was first in Vilnius in
2008, I even tried asking passers-by, but sadly didn't meet anyone who'd
speak English or Polish. |
The Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius. This is one of the most
important historic cemeteries for the Polish - Vilnius was once inhabited
predominantly by the Polish, so a lot of our historic figures can be found
at this cemetery. |
St. Peter and St. Paul's Church. This is probably one of the
most amazing Baroque churches in the city. The entire ceiling is covered
with stucco sculptures. Apparently, it amazed even the atheist Soviets.
The Soviet Union wanted to wipe out the Roman Catholic church in
Lithuania, so they closed most churches. Some were devastated - this one
was merely turned into a museum. |
...Which is more than can be said for this one - the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Soviets converted it into a warehouse, totally obliterating the
interior. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the church was given back to
the Franciscan Order, and is gradually being restored. Try imagining it
during evening Mass, when the only light is the lamp behind the
altar... |
The Cathedral. First built in 1386 in the Gothic style,
converted to Baroque during a renovation in the 17th century, and then
finally converted to the Neoclassical style late in the 18th century. I do
not think there is a more beautiful Neoclassical church anywhere in the
world. |
Looking up from below at Gediminas' Tower - the remains of a
medieval castle. It's an incredibly steep hill, and I can imagine that
capturing this castle would have been a formidable challenge. It's also
the highest point of the city, and the view from above is great. |
Looking down on Vilnius from Gediminas' Tower. The most
amazing thing about this photo was that it was taken by an Australian...
who used to work at the pub at Bond University, where I studied. It's
amazing who you'll run into on the other end of the world. |
Finally, the very last photo we took in Vilnius. It's a
photo of (mild) disappointment - looking over a part of the city that we
simply didn't have time to visit. At the end of the day, though, we don't
mind. Any excuse to come back to this beautiful city... |